Oh hello! My name is Marie.

I’m a former freelance illustrator who decided to get certified as a coach after completing a 6-month hike from Mexico to Canada. I discovered how overcoming self-doubt to pursue your wildest dreams completely transforms your life.

Since 2020, I’ve been guiding other colorful souls who care deeply about leading a meaningful life but need support as well as a loving kick in the butt.

The backstory ✨

Back in the 90s, I was a hairy theater kid who never quite felt like she fit in. Instead of being encouraged to embrace my weirdness, I was taught to hide it. So I made safe decisions and ended up in a good career with a good partner and good friends.

I tried being grateful but I couldn’t help feeling like something was missing. My worst nightmare was to get old with regrets about what could have been if only I’d taken more risks.

Then I discovered coaching and everything changed. I allowed myself to dream way bigger than ever before. Within 5 years, I thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, wrote a book, started a podcast, changed career, doubled my income and came out as queer as well as non-monogamous.

I’ve now made it my mission to help other misfits like me become the most unapologetic courageous version of themselves so they can create a life in alignment with who they are instead of who they’re expected to be.

Ready? Let’s go.


What my clients say 📣