Stop playing small and
go after your biggest ambitions.


You want to look back knowing you took full advantage of life… but right now you feel like you’re missing out.

😣 You’re lost in what other people expect of you and don’t know what you want anymore.

😣 You get overwhelmed when thinking about what to do next and making the "wrong" choice.

😣 You struggle to follow through on what you start and feel ashamed about giving up.

You know you’re capable of so much more but you’re paralyzed by confusion, procrastination and self-sabotage (which are all fancy forms of fear!)


I know, because I was there.

Showing just a little part of me and hiding my dreams because I didn’t want to be seen as delusional and entitled.

I’d sit in a toilet stall at work wondering if there was more to life than endless weeks of 9-5; putting my creativity to the service of projects I struggled to care about.

I kept telling myself “You should be grateful for what you have.”


Today, everything’s changed.

I’ve become extremely clear about what I want and relentless in the pursuit of my ambitions.

This led me to:

  • Thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail

  • Switching career and starting a business with more impact and flexibility

  • Leaving a good-enough relationship and meeting the partner of my dreams

  • Coming out as queer and exploring the world of kink

 The biggest shift happened when…


I started questioning everything I thought was impossible for a dork like me.


I told myself “Maybe I could?”


…and decided to actually try instead of worry.


One step at a time.

I got there by developing
3 key skills

  • Self-knowledge and soul-stirring vision

    Getting clear on your real desires as well as unique qualities and how to create a life around them will light up a deeper sense of meaning and stronger internal drive to overcome obstacles on the journey.

  • Emotional tolerance to uncertainty

    Increasing your nervous system capacity to take risks will allow you to get out of stagnation and make decisions that are aligned with your truth - no matter how scary - because you know you can recover after setbacks.

  • Grounded drama-free thinking

    Developping the ability to separate facts from fears will allow you to reduce anxiety and navigate challenges with a calm and focused mind rather than becoming overwhelmed by the stories you tell yourself.

This bold expansion is accessible to you too. 🦋

What I learned in 5 years, I’ll teach you in 6 months.


My clients’ transformations 👇



🤩 Being so clear and unapologetic about where you’re going that other people’s opinions are as irrelevant as one-star reviews on your favorite book.

🤩 Trusting your inner voice so deeply that you can make scary decisions in your personal, professionnal and financial life without freaking out.

🤩 Being able to try new things and following through because you put yourself first without guilt and are not an asshole to yourself when you make mistakes.



  • Your intuition tells you to leave your job or relationship, so you listen and are able to move forward without excessive anxiety because you trust there’s something more aligned around the corner.

  • You want to write a book or have a podcast, so you get started without too much worry about what people will think because the creative process is fun for you and you know you need to be average before you can be great.

  • You believe your work is worth a higher salary, so you have an honest discussion with your employer in which you focus on coming up with a mutually beneficial agreement without making it personal.

 The only way there…
is through your fears.




Stop playing small and go after your biggest ambitions.

✅ Kick off with an in-depth purpose session
✅ 6 months of intimate 1:1 coaching
✅ Lifetime access to curriculum


“The program was an opening of new doors of possibility in my life. I recommend this to anyone who feels stuck: like their life is OK but something is lacking. I found my strength and realized that belief in myself was the missing ingredient to create change.”



The journey

The Confident Nerd School is action-focused.


You’ll manage your fears as you try new things, mess up and try again with the support of your coach.


This is how you become unstoppable.


Let’s embark on this 6-month journey.

  • Month 1 - Deep understanding

    You’ll start by having an honest humbling look at your current state and accept what is instead of numbing or running away. There’s no rush. You won’t end up in a better place if you cannot relax where you are.

    You feel behind in life? You wish you’d have a fancier career or more money saved up? That’s OK. Let’s tell the truth - but let’s not dramatize the situation either. We need to unshame in order to get real clear about what really happened and the ways in which you need to uplevel.

  • Month 2 - Big dreaming

    The next step is to practice sharing your wild dreams within the safety of our sessions; as a way to own and rehearse your truth before taking real-life action.

    You want to be a rich artist? An award-winning creative director? A bestselling author? Say it loud and proud - WITHOUT thinking about the “how” or the obstacles yet.

    This space for dreaming is essential to reconnecting with the inner voice you’ve neglected for most of your adult life.

  • Month 3 - Bold decision-making

    Time to dive into the art of decisiveness. Confusion and procrastination are just signs of fear. I’ll teach you how to deconstruct your specific fears so you can make aligned choices for your life with conviction instead of hesitation.

    You’ll distill the possibilities we explored into 3 concrete goals to focus on in the next 3 months, as well as an implementation plan that’s going to push your limits while also feeling sustainable and unique to you.

  • Months 4-5-6 - Playful trial & error

    Halfway through, you’ll jump into an iteration process and learn to regulate your emotions outside your comfort zone.

    You’ll try new things and make bold requests. You’ll be expected to get it wrong because the faster you fail, the faster you learn and build resilience.

    Confidence comes when you realize you can cope with whatever happens when you have the right tools and people supporting you on the journey.

Are you ready to define your unique vision and develop the mental and emotional strength to finally discover who you are on the other side of fear?

What clients say

What’s included


The Purpose Session

We kick off with an Intensive Purpose Session, in which we identify the unique contribution you can make in the world through a 90-minute deep dive into the turning points of your personal story, what lights you up more than most and the areas where you can make the most impact.

⚡️ Book as soon as you join.

The curriculum

Move through the modules at your own pace. The lessons, workshops and tools are designed to help you:

  • Prioritize and make time for your growth

  • Get true answers from yourself about what you want

  • Take steps in that direction with renewed clarity

  • Manage your thoughts and feelings along the way

You get lifetime access to all material.

The 1:1 coaching

As you move through the curriculum, bring anything you struggle with to our sessions and leave feeling lighter and ready to face the challenges that life throws at you with a clear mind and strong heart. You’ll never stay stuck for long.

🚀 You have access to 12 calls over a period of 6 months.


What you can expect…

  • Before

    😬 You doubt your ideas constantly.

    😬 You feel misunderstood by most people.

    😬 You can’t say no to what you don’t want.

    😬 You are safe and settled but uninspired.

    😬 Many things excite you but you struggle to commit.

  • After

    🤩 You have fun experimenting with ideas.

    🤩 You attract like-minded souls.

    🤩 You speak your mind easily.

    🤩 You have a purpose-driven schedule.

    🤩 You are focused in one direction.


My approach


When I got home after thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, I was on a mission to show other self-doubting nerds they could achieve their impossible dreams too.

So I got certified as a coach and combined the methods of inner exploration I learned with my creative twist as a former illustrator, resulting in a playful in-depth approach that’s ideal for visual learners who are not afraid to get vulnerable.

Over the last 4 years, I’ve helped 100+ clients design a life that’s driven by purpose rather than fear.

My clients would tell you my strengths are…

  • Helping them come face to face with what they really want and the truth they’ve been in denial about.

  • Firmly but lovingly calling out the ways they keep themselves small and offering empowering alternatives to step into their most courageous selves.

  • Always encouraging action rather than overthinking.

  • Making them laugh and cry in the same minute.

  • Big brainstorms to unlock your best ideas.


When I hired my first coach, she saw a powerful version of me and held that vision until I was brave enough to meet her there.

This is what Confident Nerd School is about:
a 6-month container to uncover and rehearse who you can become when you stop listening to the fears and start following your inner voice instead.

What clients say

⚠️ BEWARE: This is not an online course.

When you join the Confident Nerd School, you step into an intimate experience with high-touch support and quality tools.

The work we do will set you free and help you move with determination in ONE direction. Plus, I will always be there to lift you up and keep you accountable to your dreams.

There’s no better time to start.


  • You don't need to have an idea or to have accomplished anything specific in order to start. Quite the contrary. The program will set you up to feel ready for the next stage of your life. You can come in feeling lost, and you’ll come out feeling focused.

    My previous client Emily wrote: “I hesitated because I didn't feel ready. But coaching helps you make your own huge transformation, by helping articulate your purpose and direction and the steps to get there. By the time I was "ready" in my mind, I would have needed to already be at the destination that coaching helped direct myself towards.”

  • This is up to you, but averages between 1 and 2 hours a week. If you feel like your schedule is packed already, don’t worry! There’s a module about making time for this in your life.

    Also - it’s OK to go away and miss a week or two here and there. The program is very flexible and you’ll have lifetime access to the lessons.

  • Everyone is welcomed, as long as you are a respectful open-minded human being!

  • Your purchase indicates your commitment to participate in the process and follow through to its completion.

    However, I also understand that unexpected circumstances can happen and commit to offering grace when needed. If the work is interrupted, you may request to cancel your remaining payments at

If you have more questions, you can:

I’ll be more than happy to chat!

Break out of the risk averse and fear driven feelings you have been following before they become too engrained in your life. 🏄🏽