How to
Trust Your
Ideas 💥
Deconstructing how I stopped second-guessing myself so I could go after what I really wanted (thru-hiking, starting a podcast, building a business, and more!)
What you most want out of life can only happen when you start TRUSTING YOUR IDEAS.
I’ll show you how in this 90-minute free workshop.
In this free workshop, you will learn:
🤡 The subtle identity shift that made the MOST difference in no longer obsessing over what people think.
💥 The strategies I put in place to get out of analysis paralysis, try things and actually follow through on what I start.
🤯 The 2 big moves I made that helped me finance my projects in unexpected ways.
👵🏻 The method I used to deal with worried loved ones who doubted my ideas and looked at me weird.
🌵 The 3 harsh truths I had to accept to create a more EPIC life.
Just type in your email below and I’ll send you the recording!
“Who do you think you are??! 🙄”
…was what my brain would tell me when I would dare think about doing something new.
And then I proved it wrong.
Guess what - I learned exactly who I was through doing something new.
💻 You don’t give your business idea a try because your colleagues might think you’re so ridiculous if it flops.
📚 You don’t write your book because you think you have nothing relevant to say and worry no one would read it anyway.
🎨 You don’t share your art on Instagram because you don’t want old school friends to think you’re cringe.
📹 You don’t make the Youtube videos you have in mind because your partner might think it’s childish and useless.
💰 You don’t ask for the raise you deserve because your boss might think you’re greedy and that’d be embarrassing.
Your intuition is BEGGING you to act — but your Good Girl programming takes over and says: Be Safe. Be Nice. Don’t do anything weird. 🤖
The result: Your life is fine but you can’t shake the feeling that you’re missing out on the epic experiences you’re truly meant to have.
💻 Quitting your job because your "silly little business idea" ended up bringing in as much income and feeling so much more YOU!
📚 Holding your freshly finished book—so proud to have shown yourself you could do it.
🎨 A publishing house reaching out because they love your art and want to work with you on a super cool children’s book!
📹 Having fun making videos that help a ton of people instead of wasting your precious time watching others’ content.
💰 Your boss actually agreeing to a decent raise so you finally have the funds to buy that piece of land you dream of!
This only has a chance to happen if you trust your ideas. I’m going to teach you how in this free workshop. 👇
Just type in your email below and I’ll send you the recording!