Early Bird pricing ends Thursday April 3 at 11:59pm ET


Early Bird pricing ends Thursday April 3 at 11:59pm ET 🐤


You 💥

5-month small group mastermind to build a life that feels uniquely yours, without guilt.


Here’s 2 questions for you:

1. How does it feel to hide your big ambitious dreams from the people in your life? 🫣

I know you’re afraid they might think you’re silly and naive, but maybe that’s why you’re so tired?

You’ve been pretending to be HALF of who you are.

💻 Behind the corporate manager is a brilliant artist who doubts they can add an original voice to the noise.

🧮 Behind the responsible professional is a business-savvy visionary who’d be more competent and interesting than most.

💅 Behind the low-maintenance gal is a sensitive heart craving to be truly seen by her partner.

2. What part of what you’re currently doing are you using as a safety because you’re afraid of owning your real vision?

There’s a part of you that refuses to turn back, believing you’ve gone too far already.


💰 I can’t waste my savings investing on a silly little business idea that might completely flop.

💔 I can’t divorce after 11 years together or switch careers after a 6-year degree. What will people think?!

📘 I can’t publish my writing and risk my reputation by making a total fool of yourself online.

You’re speeding ahead in Mario Kart, completely ignoring the flashing ‘Wrong way’ sign.

Your intuition is BEGGING you to act—but you don’t want to make the wrong choice and lose what you’ve built, so you’re paralyzed (or playing it safe!) 🫣


My design career was on the rise and I was in a stable relationship with a good guy.

But that wasn’t my truth.

I dreamt of thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and turning my passion into a business.


  • My ideas are not original enough.

  • No one’s going to be interested.

  • Who am I to do this?

  • What will I tell my family and friends?

  • I should just wait until I retire.

But I got tired of my own BS and realized I’d have to make bold moves if I didn’t want to be filled with regrets later in life.

Stop hoping for…

…more free time to appear so you can work on your personal project without having to set boundaries.

…your partner to leave you so you won’t have to be the one breaking hearts.

…an agent to find you in the crowd so you won’t have to do the awkward work of selling yourself.

You are the one in charge, no one else.

In 5 months with me, you’ll learn to have your own back so you can embrace your uniqueness and go after what lights you up with fierce conviction.

You’re capable of WAY more, and I’ll be here to remind you of that.

I’ve helped past clients…

  • Quit their job in the family business and make a living doing the creative work they love.

  • Leave their marriage to embrace their queerness and take theirs kids on spontaneous adventures.

  • Move abroad and change careers at 50 to go work for an outdoor company they admire.

  • Get a 5-figure raise, buy their dream property in the countryside and start teaching their passion.

  • Go on the thru-hike of their dreams despite their doubts and their family’s criticism.

  • Sit down to write their book every day instead of getting distracted with dishes and laundry.

Ready to finally go after what calls your heart instead of settling?


You 💥

5-month small group mastermind to build a life that feels uniquely yours, without guilt.


What’s included


Weekly group coaching

This is your weekly boost where you declutter your mind, share your struggles and decide what’s next.

Time and time again, clients have told me about the power of the group:

  • How deeply invested you get in other people’s success.

  • How motivating it is to see other people go after what they want.

  • How mind-blowing it is to watch someone get coached through a problem that we’re also facing.

📅 Calls every Thursday at 1pm ET. Recordings available when you miss (I recommend showing up to at about 2 calls a month!)


Bank of 4 deep dive 1:1 calls with me

This is the perfect time to...

  • Explore a more private subject matter

  • Brainstorm one of your projects to come up with lots of ideas

  • Receive feedback on something you’ve created (a website, a pitch, etc.)

  • Get mentored on something specific like podcasting or thru-hiking

  • Rehearse a bold request you want to make or a hard conversation you want to have

⚡️ Book as soon as you join.


The Be More You guided journal

Journaling is THE tool that has made the biggest difference in my life. In the Be More You guided journal, you’ll find the journaling questions I go back to again and again.

You’ll be able to keep track of your progress, both internally and externally:

  • Pick your weekly priorities

  • Check-in daily (quick and simple!)

  • Celebrate small wins

  • Record what works and what doesn’t

💌 Will be delivered to you in the mail when you enroll.


Early Bird Pricing

2200$CAD 1999$CAD* until April 3

(Or 5 payments of 440$CAD)

This includes:

  • Weekly coaching call every Thursday at 1pm ET from May 1st to September 25th (July off) + recordings of all calls

  • 4 deep dive 1:1 calls with Marie to schedule when you want

  • A physical copy of the Be More You guided journal

*About USD$1400


Past clients transformations

Hear from people I’ve worked with and get a feel for how I do things!

The No Fluff Rule

This Mastermind is perfect for you if you want a simple in-depth experience.

I’ve removed everything that creates performance anxiety so we could focus on what matters most.

❌ No course curriculum to distract from the real work

❌ No homework to feel behind on

❌ No Facebook group or group chat to keep up with

❌ Not 15 Bonuses you’ll forget about anyway

Here’s the plan! 🎯

May & June

SPRING TIME! Let’s deconstruct your doubts one by one and build solid internal foundations from which to explore what you most want.

July OFF

Time to reflect, integrate what you’ve learned and go on adventures!

August & September

AUTUMN BEGINS! Let’s push each other to make tiny experiments and bold decisions so you can blow your own mind with new possibilities.

What you can expect…

  • Before

    😬 You second-guess your ideas a lot.

    😬 You feel misunderstood by most people.

    😬 You struggle to say no to things that drain you.

    😬 You’re safe but uninspired, stuck in the same routines.

    😬 You’re excited by many things but can’t quite commit.

  • After

    🤩 You experiment with your ideas, trusting your intuition.

    🤩 You attract like-minded people who support you.

    🤩 You ask for what you want with conviction.

    🤩 You have a purposeful schedule that lights you up.

    🤩 You’re laser-focused on your goals, with time to rest.

“Working with Marie was an opening of new doors of possibility in my life. I recommend this to anyone who feels stuck: like their life is OK but something is lacking. I found my strength and realized that belief in myself was the missing ingredient to create change.”


Keep going alone or get support?

Let’s make one thing clear: You don’t need me to succeed—and I’d be suspicious of any coach who tells you otherwise. 

But, if you’ve been trying to do it alone for a while and still feel stuck, working with me is like calling a plumber when your pipes are clogged. There's no shame in it.

⚠️ This might not be for you if…

  • You feel desperate, like I’m the one who might finally save you.

  • You’re desperate for a quick fix instead of long-term growth.

✅ This might be right for you if…

  • You’re a lil’ nervous but you feel a gentle pull forward. 

  • The idea of working together feels like a nourishing meal that’ll make your life easier.