The Courage to Start New

8-week journey to step into your next chapter

Weekly live teaching + coaching with a private community of like-minded souls who are ready for change.

👉 Starting Tuesday September 10th 👈

Have you outgrown your current job, relationship or overall life like an old pair of skinny jeans? 👖

✅ Your future plans sound good on paper but don’t feel right in your heart.

✅ You feel out of place - sometimes ACTING as yourself instead of BEING yourself.

✅ You’ve been trying to convince yourself everything is alright, but you’re about to crack…

Letting go of what’s Good Enough can be hard.

😕 You’ve invested so much time and energy advancing your career. You’ve built a whole life with your partner… and now you’re supposed to throw it all away?!

😕 Plus, people you love will be disappointed by this decision - heartbroken even. How can you do that to them without feeling awful?

😕 Worst of all, you don’t even know what’s next. Are you supposed to just jump off into the void?! That seems irresponsible.

Sure, leaving is risky. But staying out of alignment is worst.

⚠️ You damage your mental and physical health by needing to eat, drink, scroll, shop or work more in order to numb the disatisfaction.

⚠️ You end up losing appetite for life - everything feels like an effort.

⚠️ You grow old with resentment and regrets.

Your current circumstances are stunting your growth like a plant in a small pot.

Imagine if you trusted yourself so completely that…

🚀 You’d make decisions easily - without needing your friends’ opinion or wasting time in analysis paralysis.

🚀 You’d figure out whatever comes next - without any doubt in your capacities.

🚀 You’d prioritize me-time shamelessly - without a hint of apology.


Pursuing your truth is the only way to break free.


The Courage to Start New

8-week journey to step into your next chapter

Weekly live teaching + coaching with a private community of like-minded souls who are ready for change.


START DATE: Tuesday September 10th 2024

CLASS TIME: Tuesdays at 9:30 AM PT / 12:30 PM EST / 5:30 PM CET

Hi! 👋 I’m your guide Marie.

I’ve started new multiple times.

  • When I moved overseas to study, fell in love and opened a coffee business.

  • When I left everything behind to come home to Canada and work as a freelancer.

  • When I thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail and completely changed career when I got back.

  • When I burned down my business model and left my 7-year relationship.


Every time I quit what no longer fits and follow my intuition, I unlock a new level of expansion.

I’ll teach you my process to starting new.

You’ll learn:

👉 How to differentiate the voice of your ego vs. your intuition

👉 How to identify what you really want vs. what you’ve been taught to crave

👉 The consequences of incongruence vs. the impacts of congruence

👉 How to outsmart your social conditioning and fears so they don’t lead the way

👉 How to expand your nervous system capacity for the discomfort of a new path

…and more!


What my clients say!