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Ep. 189 - Best Hits - 4 Secrets to Taking Control of Your Time
Are you tired of constantly feeling like you're racing against the clock, with your schedule dictating your life? Tune in as I share practical steps to reclaim ownership of your time. Learn how to prioritize your needs and desires, breaking free from the grip of others' expectations. Take charge of your schedule and empower yourself to live life on your own terms.

Episode 141 - Best Hits: How to Use Journaling to Change Your Life
Getting in the flow of journaling can be awkward at first, when you don't know how to use this tool to your advantage. In this episode, I tell you how journaling helped me overcome insecurity, feel more confident and finally take action to actually change my life... all this with just 15 minutes a day!

Ep. 111 - How to Be Calmer: 3 Strategies to Reduce Stress
Don’t worry - I won’t tell you to meditate and exercise more. We all know we should. Instead, I want to share 3 ways to approach your day-to-day life that we don’t talk about nearly enough, and that inevitably lead to more inner peace. I don’t know about you, but I’m done running around feeling like a headless chicken.

Ep. 106 - Best Hits: Fear of Missing Out
Adventurous souls like us have a deep fear of missing out. We want to experience life to the fullest. We want to make sure we have stories to tell. We want to do epic shit. This can be a strength - and also a dangerous downfall. In this episode, we explore how the fear of missing out can actually get in the way of living our best life.

Ep. 103 - 4 Secrets to Taking Control of Your Time
If you feel like you're always chasing time and you're not in charge of your own schedule, listen to this. I teach you the 4 steps to taking control back so you can prioritize your needs and desires instead of being a slave to other people's expectations.

Ep. 102 - How to Use Journaling to Change Your Life
Getting in the flow of journaling can be awkward at first, when you don't know how to use this tool to your advantage. In this episode, I tell you how journaling helped me overcome insecurity, feel more confident and finally take action to actually change my life... all this with just 15 minutes a day!

Ep. 99 - Best Hit: Free to Be Your Best Self
I refuse to accept that our best self can only exist when we are on vacation. So the question this week is : how can we be our best self every day of the week and still function in the world where bills need to get paid? Let's dig in.

Ep. 98 - Best Hit: Social Media Detox and Simplicity
At the end of last year, I decided to go one week without social media. Here are 5 observations I've made and how we can all bring some of these lessons into our daily lives and enjoy the ride a bit more. Let's make 2023 shockingly simple!

Ep. 93 - 5 Habits That Changed My Life
These 5 simple practices improve my mood, give me energy and help me manage my time and money in an empowering way so I can accomplish my goals and lead a more flexible less stressful life. Try what resonates, play around and find your own way!

Ep. 91 - Best Hits: How to Overcome Laziness & Lack of Motivation
Enjoy this Best Hit edition #1, in which I teach you how to be more compassionate towards yourself when you don't feel like doing anything... and also how to dig yourself out of an unmotivated hole.

Ep. 2 - Free to Be Your Best Self
I REFUSE to accept that our best self can only exist when we are on vacation. So the question this week is : how can we be our best self every day of the week and still function in the world where bills need to get paid? Let's dig in.

Ep. 1 - What Lights You Up?
When I came home after thru-hiking the 2653 miles Pacific Crest Trail, do you know what I missed the most? Not the incredible friends I'd made along the way. Not the bugs, the wet feet or the amazing landscapes. What I missed the most was the version of me who had a big beautiful goal that lit her up inside. I missed the flame. What is this flame, and how do reignite the spark?