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Ep. 77 - Noble Excuses
Postponing our big scary dreams is easy, especially if we can come up with very important-sounding reasons. This is what Jon Acuff calls noble excuses! In this episode, I explain how easy it can be to unconsciously trick yourself into staying comfortable instead of facing your fears... and what to do instead so you can accomplish your goals and feel proud.
Ep. 76 - Being Judged By Others
Other people judging you is going to hurt if you think there is truth in their thinking. You can use their judgement as a great opportunity to get curious about what aspect of your life you need to strengthen your belief in. The more confident you become, the less judgement is going to get to you.
Ep. 75 - Judging Others
When you find yourself wanting to judging others, turning inward to see what might need addressing within you is a much better use of your energy. This episode explores what might be going on in your relationship with yourself when judgement feels so tempting.
Ep. 74 - Inner Toddler Tantrums
You know this part of you that doesn't want to work and just wants to chill and have fun? That's what I call your inner toddler! Sometimes their tantrums are going to get out of hand and get in the way of achieving our goals. How do we deal with our inner toddler in a way that's loving instead of letting them run the show? That's what I discuss in this week's episode.
Ep. 73 - What's Causing Your Motivational Slump?
Sustaining motivation over time is a skill to master if you want to achieve great things and make a difference in the world. In this episode, I share the top 5 ways I used to slow myself down so you can identify if you also get stuck in the same patterns and change your perspective where needed. Let's get busy creating a better world instead of getting tangled up in our fears!
Ep. 72 - Starting Something New
It's normal to suck when you try something new, like writing or freelancing or entrepreneurship. But how you THINK about the suck is what’s going to influence your enjoyment (or lack thereof) on the journey. If you want to keep going, you gotta learn to “embrace the suck” - as hikers sometimes say - and I teach you how in this episode.
Ep. 71 - Feelings That Help You Reach Your Goals
Feelings are a powerful fuel for reaching your goals - and good news: You can create them on purpose! In this episode, I share 10 feelings that will help you to keep moving forward in tough times.
Ep. 70 - Feelings That Get In Your Way
I am a fan of feelings and a sensitive person - but I know some of them are optional and even detrimental to our growth. We don't always have to be at the mercy of our hearts... we can practice directing our intrusive thoughts towards more helpful ways of thinking, which in turn is going to affect how we feel on a daily basis. I talk about how to approach this in today's episode.
Ep. 69 - Short-term Cravings vs. Long-term Desires
Building a life you don’t feel the need to escape from is not just about where you live, what you do and who you’re with. It’s mostly about what goes on between your ears.We have to know how to calm the tension of short-term cravings and how to stick around for long-term desires… otherwise we’ll spend our whole lives planting seeds, getting bored, planting seeds elsewhere and getting bored again. In this episode, I teach how to make the difference between what you crave right now, and what you want most in your life.
Ep. 68 - Maintaining Momentum for Long-Term Goals
Do you tend to fall into cycles where you go all-in and then crash? If so, this episode is for you. I ask you 3 questions to help you start thinking about what might be going on.
Ep. 67 - Strong Opinions and Strong Emotions
As a very sensitive person, I used to get very emotional when I disagreed with someone or when something seemed unfair. Although my feelings were 100% valid, they often got in the way of having open conversations with the people involved and instead created defensiveness and barriers. Overtime I learned to channel my passion differently because I believe meaningful connection is what creates real change in the world. Here's how you can also start making the shift towards a more compassionate approach to disagreement.
Ep. 66 - Big Life Transitions
The idea of leaving a partner, a career or a community is extremely uncomfortable and that's why maybe people never do it. The transition is scary because there is often empty space before starting something new and our belief system has to catch up to who we are becoming. Are you willing to let go of comfort for a chance at leading the life of your dreams?
Ep. 65 - Crossing the Sad Gap by Committing to One Thing
The "Sad Gap" is a term invented by the vloggers John and Hank Green to express feelings of powerlessness about what's going on in the world. In a recent video, John explains that one way he overcomes these feelings is by committing to a clear purpose. In this episode, I share my thoughts on the subject and why I think this could change everything in your life.
BONUS Episode - How to Stop Feeling Selfish or Guilty for Putting Yourself First
Do you feel like a privileged princess or a spoiled brat for wanting what you want? Do you sometimes tell yourself you should be grateful for what you have instead of always seeking more for your life? Do you get annoyed at yourself for being unsatisfied again and wish you could just be content?! This bonus episode is for you!
Ep. 64 - Take Yourself Seriously
You have to take yourself, your time and your dreams seriously if you want to create a life in which you feel free. If you don't take the lead, others will. Don't wait for people to respect you, respect yourself first. Start seeing yourself as the professional that you are, instead of sitting in the corner hoping someone will see your genius. Show them your magic now!
Ep. 63 - Fear of Missing Out
Adventurous souls like us have a deep fear of missing out. We want to experience life to the fullest. We want to make sure we have stories to tell. We want to do epic shit. This can be a strength - and also a dangerous downfall. In this episode, we explore how the fear of missing out can actually get in the way of living our best life.
Ep. 62 - Being Confident in Your Life Choices
How do we know if we've made the right decision? What if we're going the wrong way? How can we even be certain? This episode answers these burning questions that many of you have about the big decisions you have made or are trying to make in your life.
Ep. 61 - Procrastination and Imposter Syndrome
As you take action to move towards your dreams, old and new fears will show up in ways you may not have encountered before. This is completely normal, and a sign that you are growing. Save this episode for the moments when you cannot bring yourself to do what you want to do and you're not sure why.
Ep. 60 - Consider the Best Case Scenario
We have a tendency to focus on the worst case scenarios and create a lot of anxiety worrying about what might go wrong. But what if we owed it to our inner being to spend as much time (if not more) visualizing the best case scenario? What would happen if you considered the ways in which your plans could go right, or even better than you expected? How would we show up differently?
Ep. 59 - Outsourcing Your Well-being to Your Partner
Blaming our partner when we feel unsatisfied is is thinking about how much better we would feel if we were with someone who was more like this and less like that. But what if there's a much simpler way? That's what I discuss in this episode.