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Episode 196 - Why You Feel Overwhelmed and Procrastinate
Procrastination, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Procrastination, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 196 - Why You Feel Overwhelmed and Procrastinate

Making progress on your goals can feel impossible when negative self-talk is too loud or the standards feel unattainable. In this episode, I share a compassionate, curiosity-driven approach to help you show up for yourself and focus on what truly matters. By creating an environment that embraces your authentic self—rather than one ruled by constant criticism—you'll be more motivated to pursue your goals. Tune in to learn how to replace self-doubt with self-acceptance and supportive habits that foster genuine confidence.

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Episode 194 - Best Hits - How to Be Calmer: 3 Strategies to Reduce Stress
Procrastination, Productivity, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Procrastination, Productivity, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 194 - Best Hits - How to Be Calmer: 3 Strategies to Reduce Stress

Let's skip the usual advice on meditation and exercise – we're all familiar with those. Instead, I'm excited to reveal 3 overlooked approaches for finding inner peace in your daily life. It's time to break free from the chaos and discover a sense of calm amidst the hustle. Join me as we explore fresh perspectives that promise to transform your daily routine and leave you feeling more grounded and content. Say goodbye to frantic living and embrace a more balanced and peaceful existence today.

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Episode 187 - Let People Be Wrong About You: Exercises to Calm and Shift Your Perspective
Emotions, Relationships Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions, Relationships Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 187 - Let People Be Wrong About You: Exercises to Calm and Shift Your Perspective

When someone is angry with you, it’s easy to spiral into self-doubt and worry about what might happen next. In this episode, discover practical strategies to stay grounded and in control during conflicts. Learn calming exercises to reduce stress and shift your mindset, helping you respond with clarity. Tune in for actionable tips to maintain your inner peace.

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Episode 186 - Journaling Techniques to Overcome Negative Thinking
Emotions, Inner Knowing Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions, Inner Knowing Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 186 - Journaling Techniques to Overcome Negative Thinking

Discover how journaling can be your go-to tool for improving mental health and overcoming self-doubt. In this episode, I share the 4 essential steps that helped me shift from a low self-esteem, stressed, and defeated mindset to feeling calm, confident, and clear about my direction. Tune in to learn these journaling techniques and work towards mental wellness!

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Episode 185 - When ‘Good Enough’ Isn’t Enough
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 185 - When ‘Good Enough’ Isn’t Enough

Are you feeling stuck in a job, relationship or city that no longer aligns with your true self? Discover a powerful perspective shift that transformed my life: Just because you CAN be content somewhere doesn’t mean you HAVE TO stay. In this episode, I explore why it's okay to leave a situation that feels “good enough” and pursue something that feels truly aligned with your unique needs and passions. Learn how to break free from settling and embrace the freedom to change your mind and create a life that genuinely fulfills you.

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Episode 182: 10 Ways to Prevent Overstimulation as a Sensitive Person
Inner Knowing, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Inner Knowing, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 182: 10 Ways to Prevent Overstimulation as a Sensitive Person

Sensitive people can get overstimulated more easily than most, due to triggers such as a loud and crowded place or too much demand for your attention. In this episode, I share 10 ways to avoid or manage a dysregulated nervous system from the book “Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World” by Jenn Granneman and Andre Sólo. Tune in for actionable strategies you can start using to feel calmer and less stressed every day.

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Episode 175: Managing Your Inner Critic
Emotions, Self Talk Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions, Self Talk Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 175: Managing Your Inner Critic

How you handle your inner critic can seriously affect your sense of fulfillment in all areas of your life. This episode will help you better understand the source of this perfectionist part of you and learn how to manage it with compassion to prevent burnout. You will also discover effective strategies to fuel your growth with an inspiring vision instead of oppressive self-criticism. Tune in to transform your relationship with your inner critic and enhance your overall well-being.

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Episode 168: Self-Compassion and Success - with Laura Garcia
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 168: Self-Compassion and Success - with Laura Garcia

For ambitious souls and high-achievers like us, self-compassion plays a crucial role in achieving success without burning out. In this episode, I'm joined by former client and mindfulness meditation facilitator Laura Garcia for an insightful discussion on the challenges and importance of being kind to ourselves. Discover actionable steps to cultivate self-compassion and make the journey towards your goals more sustainable. If you are your harshest critic and struggle with negative self-talk, this one’s for you!

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Episode 167: Finding The Root Cause of Anxiety
Inner Knowing, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Inner Knowing, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 167: Finding The Root Cause of Anxiety

In our rush to find quick relief from anxiety, we often only scratch the surface of its true causes. By overlooking the deeper origins, we miss valuable insights that could guide more effective treatment. In this episode, we delve into 6 potential root causes of anxiety, empowering you to understand and address what's truly at play for you.

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Episode 157 - Overcoming Fear of Regret
Courage & Change, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Courage & Change, Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 157 - Overcoming Fear of Regret

Fear of regret often holds people back from making decisions and leading a life that’s aligned with their values. In this episode, I demystify regret - a transient emotion often rooted in false narratives. I also offer 3 reflective questions designed to help you reframe your perspective about regret and satisfy your true emotional needs. This way, you can escape analysis paralysis and avoid wasting time ruminating on the past, empowering you to move forward.

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Episode 140 - Embracing Self-Acceptance and Compassion
Self Growth, Emotions, Self Talk Marie-Pier Tremblay Self Growth, Emotions, Self Talk Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 140 - Embracing Self-Acceptance and Compassion

Do you sometimes get frustrated that you’re still struggling with old patterns, no matter how much work you’ve done to heal yourself? I feel you, and yet… that’s not going to help. Being hard on yourself is more likely to stunt your growth. In this episode, I share how you can shift your mindset to stop feeling stuck and start feeling more at peace with where you’re at.

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Episode 136 - Managing Anxiety and Insecurity Better
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 136 - Managing Anxiety and Insecurity Better

When a part of you is feeling insecure about potential worst case scenarios, what do you do? Do you go down an anxious spiral or do you try to shut it down and “think positive” instead? In this episode, we discuss a more compassionate way to approach powerful feelings like fear, anxiety and depression so you can calm down the inner fight and feel more grounded and whole.

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Episode 128 - When You’re in a Rush
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Episode 128 - When You’re in a Rush

When we’re desperate to send that text or to quit our job, it’s often a sign that we are letting our primitive brain take over. We are better off waiting for the calm after the storm before taking any action if we want to create a more intentional life. In this episode, I talk about what creates this sense of rush and how to ground yourself back in self-worth.

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Ep. 113 - Navigating Pain: Get Good at Feeling Bad
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Ep. 113 - Navigating Pain: Get Good at Feeling Bad

There’s no way to avoid pain, especially when we open our hearts wide open and take the risk of living fully. Sadness and grief are non-negotiable parts of the human experience. Thankfully, there are ways to handle pain without making it any worse than it already is. I explored 3 of them in this week’s episode.

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Ep. 74 - Inner Toddler Tantrums
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Ep. 74 - Inner Toddler Tantrums

You know this part of you that doesn't want to work and just wants to chill and have fun? That's what I call your inner toddler! Sometimes their tantrums are going to get out of hand and get in the way of achieving our goals. How do we deal with our inner toddler in a way that's loving instead of letting them run the show? That's what I discuss in this week's episode.

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Ep. 70 - Feelings That Get In Your Way
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Ep. 70 - Feelings That Get In Your Way

I am a fan of feelings and a sensitive person - but I know some of them are optional and even detrimental to our growth. We don't always have to be at the mercy of our hearts... we can practice directing our intrusive thoughts towards more helpful ways of thinking, which in turn is going to affect how we feel on a daily basis. I talk about how to approach this in today's episode.

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Ep. 67 - Strong Opinions and Strong Emotions
Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay Emotions Marie-Pier Tremblay

Ep. 67 - Strong Opinions and Strong Emotions

As a very sensitive person, I used to get very emotional when I disagreed with someone or when something seemed unfair. Although my feelings were 100% valid, they often got in the way of having open conversations with the people involved and instead created defensiveness and barriers. Overtime I learned to channel my passion differently because I believe meaningful connection is what creates real change in the world. Here's how you can also start making the shift towards a more compassionate approach to disagreement.

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