Find your way through the best episodes with the podcast guide.

Episode 192 - Making Hard Decisions: The Conflict Between “Should” and “Want”
Are you living a life that's truly yours, or are you stuck in the expectations of what you think you should do? In this episode, we explore how our self-concept — shaped by our need to fit in — keeps us trapped in safe, conventional choices… even when they don’t align with our deepest desires. When you become aware of the ways this mindset holds you back, you can stop making superficial changes and start pursuing a life that aligns with who you really are. Ready to challenge the safety net and take a bold step forward? Tune in.

Episode 191 - End-of-Year Check-In: Evaluate and Realign for the Last Quarter of 2024
Take a moment to reflect on your personal and professional growth over the last 9 months. Are you still aligned with your goals and moving in a direction that feels authentic and fulfilling? In this episode, I’ll share my own self-reflection, what worked, what didn’t, and my intentions for the last 3 months of the year. Grab your journal and join me for an exercise to evaluate your progress, celebrate your wins, and set new goals. Let’s reset your focus to wrap up the year with purpose and momentum!

Episode 179: The Importance of a Big Vision to Lead an Extraordinary Life
Unlock the transformative power of a clear and compelling vision for your life. In this episode, you will discover the top 5 benefits of developing a strong vision: enhanced focus, better decision-making, more resilience, and increased motivation. Join us to learn how committing to your ideal life can create profound changes and guide you toward your goals.

Episode 178: Defeating Quick Dopamine and Impatience
Are you tired of losing precious time to your addictive smartphone? In this episode, I delve into how having easy access to quick dopamine impacts our productivity and personal growth. Constant distraction keeps us from investing in what truly matters, whether learning a new skill, writing a book, or achieving any significant goal. Tune in to learn the two crucial strategies to regain control over your time and ensure you start making meaningful progress toward your dreams. We don't want to grow old with regrets about what we wish we would have accomplished!

Episode 176: My Thoughts On Manifestation: More Logical Than You Think
Manifestation - or the Law of Attraction - doesn’t always have a good reputation due to the lack of scientific evidence and the exaggerated (sometimes unethical) claims some people have made about its effectiveness. In this episode, I share my nuanced perspective on what I see as a practical framework we can use to guide the pursuit of our goals and desires. Tune in to learn the 3 essential steps of manifestation, dive into personal case studies and get powerful journaling prompts to uncover and overcome obstacles.

Episode 170: The Confidence to Go After Your Creative Dreams - with Katie Dancer
Discover the inspiring story of Katie Dancer, a freelance musician and former client who conquered her fears to quit her job in marketing and pursue her dreams. In this episode, she shares her transformative journey and the role coaching played in her success. If you're a creative soul and people-pleaser trapped in an unfulfilling job, tune in for actionable insights and motivation to break free and thrive.

Episode 165: Discipline, Healthy Love & Autism with Amanda Welch
Amanda Welch is a professional counselor in training and a passionate bodybuilder. She encourages everyone to pursue their dreams through daily goal-setting. Tune in to learn about how to build resilience so you can do hard things consistently. Plus, you’ll get to hear Amanda’s incredibly romantic love story and her firsthand experience as an autistic woman. This episode is full of motivational wisdom and tips to build a more fulfilling life.

Episode 151 - Vision For 2024: Setting Intentions for the Year Ahead
Instead of setting goals this year, I am setting intentions. This is a very personal episode about my areas of growth for the year to come. Tune in if you want to reflect with me about what you want to pay attention to and work on this coming year.

Episode 146 - Igniting Motivation: Make Your Goals More Exciting
If you want to feel motivated to reach your goals, you first have to make sure what you are pursuing lights your soul on fire more than it flatters your ego. Then you have to find a way to tackle the goal in a way that works for you instead of what you’ve been told you should do… and finally, your reasons for pursuing such a goal have to be in alignment with your soul and not exist just to please your ego. Listen to this week’s episode to learn more.

Episode 145 - Unconscious Goals Are Slowing You Down
You might have all the willpower in the world to reach your goals, it’s not going to be worth anything if there are unconscious forces pulling you in the opposite direction. In this episode, I discuss how to identify the past wounds your scared inner child is trying to avoid and how your inner parent can work with them so you can create the kind of life you dream of together.

Episode 122 - 5 Steps to Feeling Deep Joy
Recently I’ve been feeling so happy and like so much goodness is coming my way. I decided to document the key steps that led me here in this episode, so you could step on this journey with me.

Ep. 114 - Why Your Perfect Plans Fail: A New Approach to Goal Setting
When we’re dissatisfied with an aspect of our life, we are quick to make an ambitious plan for change in our beautiful new notebook. More often than not though, reality catches up, and not only do we give up, but we are mean to ourselves for doing so. Then the cycle repeats itself until we feel completely discouraged. But there’s a different way! In this episode, I discuss how to set goals you will enjoy working towards and make plans you won’t want to quit.

Ep. 100 - Big Number Goals
Setting Big Number Goals is my favorite way to challenge myself and grow. Whether the goal is a number of miles to hike, a number of pages to write or an amount of money you want to make, you'll get to discover what you are capable of and blow your mind. In this episode, I talk about what I learned from my last two adventures: thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and making $100,000 in my business. I also tell you all about my next Big Number Goals and why you should set one too!

Ep. 97 - The Biggest Obstacle to Your Growth
If you can practice this one thing I outline in the episode, you will stop spinning in circles of confusion and frustration. Overcoming this obstacle will free up so much energy and allow you to reach your goals faster and have more fun on the journey.

Ep. 82 - Ideas You Gave Up On
How many ideas have you discarded because someone was not enthusiastic when you told them about it? (That someone might be your own inner critic!) There are too many unfulfilled dreams out there, and this must change. In this week's episode, I teach you how to protect your inner knowing from your own and other people's insecurities.

Ep. 80 - Follow your dream or get real?
Should you pursue your passion or be realistic? Well, the answer is both. You can live in alignment with your values and also insure that your needs are fulfilled. You can have purpose AND pay the bills too. Leaning too heavily on either one of those sides will make you miserable in the long run. So this episode is all about how to find a balance between chasing dreams and building a strong foundation in the real world.

Ep. 69 - Short-term Cravings vs. Long-term Desires
Building a life you don’t feel the need to escape from is not just about where you live, what you do and who you’re with. It’s mostly about what goes on between your ears.We have to know how to calm the tension of short-term cravings and how to stick around for long-term desires… otherwise we’ll spend our whole lives planting seeds, getting bored, planting seeds elsewhere and getting bored again. In this episode, I teach how to make the difference between what you crave right now, and what you want most in your life.

Ep. 68 - Maintaining Momentum for Long-Term Goals
Do you tend to fall into cycles where you go all-in and then crash? If so, this episode is for you. I ask you 3 questions to help you start thinking about what might be going on.

Ep. 60 - Consider the Best Case Scenario
We have a tendency to focus on the worst case scenarios and create a lot of anxiety worrying about what might go wrong. But what if we owed it to our inner being to spend as much time (if not more) visualizing the best case scenario? What would happen if you considered the ways in which your plans could go right, or even better than you expected? How would we show up differently?

Ep. 52 - Ain't Nothing You Can't Do
The movie King Richard (about Venus and Serena Williams' dad and their rise to success) was one hell of a journey, in which I drew 5 key takeaways that we can all apply to our own lives. What does it take to beat the odds? How can we keep moving when others think we're wrong? How can we accomplish what seems impossible? This is what this episode explores. Get your popcorn and enjoy.