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Episode 195 - 5 Most Powerful Questions To Ask Yourself
When stress is weighing you down, the simple act of shifting your perspective can help lighten that load. In this episode, I share 5 powerful questions I use with my clients to help them move away from beliefs that create unnecessary suffering and find a bit of peace. Each question serves as a handy tool to de-dramatize situations, challenge limiting beliefs and break free from those thoughts that keep you feeling stuck—empowering you to embrace a more relaxed and resilient mindset.

Episode 178: Defeating Quick Dopamine and Impatience
Are you tired of losing precious time to your addictive smartphone? In this episode, I delve into how having easy access to quick dopamine impacts our productivity and personal growth. Constant distraction keeps us from investing in what truly matters, whether learning a new skill, writing a book, or achieving any significant goal. Tune in to learn the two crucial strategies to regain control over your time and ensure you start making meaningful progress toward your dreams. We don't want to grow old with regrets about what we wish we would have accomplished!

Episode 177: From Quiet to Confident: How to Ask for What You Want
It’s time to overcome your fear of rejection to discover the transformative power of making bold requests. In this episode, you’ll learn why self-advocacy is essential for personal and professional fulfillment and growth. Tune in for a dose of tough love that will empower you to stand up for yourself and drastically improve the quality of your life. Don't miss out on this life-changing episode!

Episode 175: Managing Your Inner Critic
How you handle your inner critic can seriously affect your sense of fulfillment in all areas of your life. This episode will help you better understand the source of this perfectionist part of you and learn how to manage it with compassion to prevent burnout. You will also discover effective strategies to fuel your growth with an inspiring vision instead of oppressive self-criticism. Tune in to transform your relationship with your inner critic and enhance your overall well-being.

Episode 155 - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
Letting fear run the show is going to make your life smaller than it’s meant to be and will make you feel stuck and unfulfilled. In this episode, I dive into the main reasons why we avoid risk and choose the safety of the known. Then I share the 3 steps to take to change your relationship to failure so you can build up resilience and finally create a life that feels genuinely meaningful.

Episode 154 - End The Pity Party & Get Unstuck
If you feel sorry for yourself about where you are in life and struggle to see a way out, this is for you. When self-pity overstays its welcome, what can we do to take back control over our minds and lives? Here are the 6 steps I take to remind myself of my true capabilities when I find myself feeling desperate, powerless, and stuck.

Episode 152 - Become a Clear, Calm & Confident Inner Leader
If you wish you could make parts of you disappear - like your perfectionism, laziness or addiction - this episode is for you. I’ll introduce you to Internal Family Systems, a therapeutic model developed by Dr. Richard C. Schwatz to help us heal our relationship with ourselves by making all the parts of us feel seen and understood, thus replacing inner conflict with self-compassion. With IFS, you can reclaim your power and start reconnecting with your joyful playful self.

Episode 148 - Ask Better Questions
Can this work? Am I good enough? Is this the right decision? …are all examples of binary questions we ask ourselves that limit our thinking and lead us down dead ends. We must practice asking more open questions if we want to come up with more open and creative solutions. In this episode, I will show you how to think in a more curious and proactive way.

Episode 140 - Embracing Self-Acceptance and Compassion
Do you sometimes get frustrated that you’re still struggling with old patterns, no matter how much work you’ve done to heal yourself? I feel you, and yet… that’s not going to help. Being hard on yourself is more likely to stunt your growth. In this episode, I share how you can shift your mindset to stop feeling stuck and start feeling more at peace with where you’re at.

Episode 139 - Why We Overthink (and how to do it less!)
Overthinking can eat up so much of your time, joy and energy. When you focus on every little detail, decisions become draining. But how do you stop being an overthinker when you’ve spent your whole life mastering the skill? Well, I will share the secret in this episode!

Episode 123 - The Importance of Negative Thinking
Positive thinking can be a strength, but it can also make us feel worse and like we’re lying to ourselves and repressing our truth. In this episode, I show you how putting on a brave face is not always the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.

Ep. 105 - Using Toxic Positivity Toward Yourself
You know how misunderstood you can feel when you are sad or angry and someone seems desperate to cheer you up because your emotions make them feel uncomfortable? Well, we do that to ourselves without noticing. We try to brush off the parts of us we think are inconvenient or shameful, when all they need is a bit of attention and reassurance. In this episode, you'll learn why this is a bad idea and what you can do instead to deepen your relationship with yourself.

Ep. 54 - How You Talk About Yourself Matters
The way you talk about yourself and your life influences your self-concept, which has a massive impact on how you feel and the actions that you take. So if you want to create a different reality, you have to start talking about yourself in a more empowering way. Here's how.

Ep. 13 - Stop Saying These Things
The words we use are a representation of our current thoughts, and our current thoughts determine our future. If we wish for more clarity, freedom and excitement in our life, it's time to stop saying "I don't know" and "it's unrealistic." As Will Smith said, "being realistic is the most commonly traveled path to mediocrity." I couldn't agree more.

Ep. 5 - Letting Go of Outdated Beliefs
Think about difficult times in your life. Or small moments that are engraved in your memory forever. What did you need to tell yourself at that time or moment in order to feel better or just to get through it? Do you still carry those beliefs today? Do they show up unconsciously in your behaviour, your thinking, your relationships? Do they get in the way of the person you want to be? How can you let go of those heavy outdated defenses? That's what we explore on this week's episode.